I'm a passionate LinkedIn advocate and am on it every day, seeing what my connections are up to and what is happening in their professional world. I love reading stories about people's career progressions, insights and what people find beneficial for them to grow and learn.
Have you experienced LinkedIn training? I have found this a good platform with a lot of content. If I have a spare hour, I like to engage in a training session. You can pause, rewind and take notes as you go. There are even quizzes during the session! I have found some lessons insightful, and others ok. Take a look at this link https://bit.ly/30GTp3M
I have only come across American educators thus far. I would like to see this varied at some point, as it is always great to have a perspective in your respective country (particularly if that is where you do business).
You can trial LinkedIn Learning for a month to see if this is a good fit for you. Then there is a subscription cost to continue. Dive in for the first month and see if you enjoy!
